
The NifTool of the Trade

No single tool has allowed so many 3D talentless people to easily create Freedom Force add-ons as NifSkope has. Originally created for Elder Scroll, NifSkope is an all-purpose nif viewer and editor. Its simple interface requires no programming or 3D knowledge but allows the user complete control over any available nif. With Nifskope, the average FF gamer can skope and release a skope in less time than a mesh takes to be modelled.

Despite what the What've you skoped lately? thread would lead you to believe, the power of NifSkope is not limited to meshes. FXers finally have a chance to create new FXs that have been in demands for years. While mappers could recreate any location with the help of existing nifs. Such places as the Fortress of Solitude or the inside of Cerebro can be realized with just a little time, patience, and imagination.

Since being adopted by the FF community, NifSkope has generated some truly original meshes but there has also been lot of repetitive ones. I often wonder how meshers feel about skopers? It is their geometry being skoped after all. Do they ever question why skoping was so warmly welcomed and kitbashing is still seen as the ultimate taboo among the FF community?

Bottomline, Nifskope is a powerful and useful program for the Freedom Force commuity. It is probably the most revitalizing tool we have had in the last year and like everyone, I look forward to seeing what our talented skopers will do next.

For more information on Nifskope and its capabilities, visit FR World >> Nifskope

Spitting through the wire,
- Spectre Lad


Once and Future Skinner Supreme

Before Courtnall6 rose to popularity, there existed an Englishman whose skill and style were unmatched by any other. That man was Gryphon. Though there is little known about Gryphon, his love for strong women and the bronze age of comics is apparent in his work. When others were still trying to figure out mapping, Gryphon was skinning, fxing, and writing tutorials for the Freedom Force community.

In the midst of bad Mspaint and comic photoskins, Gryphon's add-ons shone above all. His work was the true beginning of high quality skinning and it forced everyone to recognize the artistic merits of skinning. Heavily influenced by the in-games textures, Gryphon perfectly blended mainstream characters into the Freedom Force universe. No longer did custom characters look out of place battling Timemaster, they were now perfectly integrated and available to all.

With his Heralds of Freedom, Gryphon proved he was not only artistically gifted at skinning but also at character designing. The HoF skins remain some of the most original reimagining of the Freedom Force universe ever. Heavily influenced by his birthplace, they reflect the cultural and social difference between the States and the UK. A perfect example of this is recasting hot-headed Latino superhero, El Diablo, as the Hindu Sorceror, Tejas. In many aspects, his Heralds outshine their American counterparts in design and originality.

With a style that undoubtedly influenced every major skinner, Gryph released his base skins for all to use. This forced FFers across the globe to Limewire illegal copies of image editing software to emulate his bold use of color and lines. Though there were many who tried, none could capture the true essence of Freedom Force like Gryphon.

Despite being inactive for years, his legacy lives on not only through his own work but through every character skinned using his base. Years have past and other top skinners have come and gone, but Gryphon forever remains the one true Skinner Supreme.

Want to see more of his work? Visit Gryphon's Freedom Force.

- The Spectral One


Who Frees The Freemen

The Freedom Force community's doomsday clock reads 3 minutes 'til midnight. On the forums, anxiety is plentiful while rational is scarce. The masses are in the threads chanting the names of the enemies while the mods are trying to hush the ranting.

"This is all his fault! I told you this would happen but you didn't listen to me!"

The leaders are quietly meeting to organize defensive maneuvers against the threat. These Titans of Freedom are exhausted yet they continue to protect their charges. They watch from their aerial palace as the people scatter on the ground writing down contact info to ensure they can find one another.

"Hey, I don't really know you well but you'll email me if we come back online, right?"

There are others just concerned with what they might lose. They scramble to bookmark links and download everything they can get their hands on. They are mining the sites and groups to find comfort in pixels and polys.

"Do you know where male_basic_forked is? I need it so badly. I gotta have it so I can host it at my private backup site!"

In secret, people are privately messaging conspiracies back and forth. Pointing fingers at all in the line of sight, taking out their frustration on the well-meaning and the newly visible.

"You know that new guy? It's him, I know it is! A friend of a friend on Warcraft told me!"

There are others instant messaging their confusion to all those online. They type furiously about the ones who betrayed them. They send links and pictures when words fail to expression how they truly feel.

"How could they try to do this to us again? What did I ever do to them? This is not fair! Did you get my link?"

Regardless of where they are or how they feel, they are all hoping freedom will be preserved. They are all just hoping their community will see another day.


- Spectrous Ladiccus


Great Italian (Porn Star) Wars

With the end of Freedom-United and the return of the Freedom Force section on FR, it appears IPS may be preparing yet another attack on Freedom Force Community.

Vertex, formerly Bobby69, had this to say about the situation:

"Talked with IPS about the [separation], it's not going through and now he's sole "owner" of FU since I gave it up. Also I hear from IPS he's launching another attack to Lunar pages trying to shut FR down. So... stand by for heavy seas folks it's not over yet. I ask that none of you go near FU cause it's not a place to be."

So there you have it folks, the mini-Mussolini not only annexed FU but is preparing another attack against our community.

Tantrums aside, IPS is a good skinner but his guileless behavior over the years has outshone his work a thousand times. These attacks were never about content distribution or being banned, it is about jealousy of others. If he put half as much energy into his art as he does attacking people, he might actually receive the attention he thinks he deserves. But like most in the modern age, it is easier for him to infamous than famous. Despite what IPS might think, the internets are not serious businesses.

Want to find out what the community thinks? Visit Freedom Reborn.

- Spectre Lad

Night of The Living Dead

In the Freedom Force community there are many unforgettable names - Courtnall6, Beyonder, and DrMike2000 are some names that conjurer up feelings of joy and delight in FF gamers. However there are names that are better left unspoken and VLADIMPALER is at the top of the list. Known to many for his abrasive persona and shamelessly glorifying himself, VLAD earned himself not only a permanent banning from Freedom Reborn but the notoriety as the Rob Liefeld of FF.

In the midst of the self-complimenting, VLAD actually found time to skin relatively well. While others were becoming shiny "Similar 6s", VLAD crafted his own style that can only be explained as Liefeld meets a Bram Stoker bloodlust. VLAD's skinning was bloody, torn, and raw as if he had Buffalo Bill'ed the comic character and fashioned a skin suit to indulge his violent hero fantasies.

I will give it to VLAD though, he is constantly vilified and banned yet he refuses to stop skinning. As the old saying goes, "whatever doesn't kill me only makes me stronger" but how do you apply that to the living undead?

- Your Friendly Neighborhood Ghost


Afghan Ant's Retirement

After years of creating amazing content for the Freedom Force community, Afghan Ant has officially retired from creating in order to concentrate full-time on his other interests.
The Statement:"With the recent drama at Freedom Reborn, Afghan Ant has decided to retire from Freedom Force skinning" - HeroForce

Clearly the stress from the recent attack on Freedom Reborn forced this long-time skinner to throw in the towel. While I respect his decision, I can't help but feel let down. His recent work has been stellar and I was looking forward to what he'd do next. Afghan Ant is a great guy and I hope he continues to stick around the Freedom Force community. I tried to reach Afghan Ant for a comment but I have not received a reply. I will keep you posted.Want to see more of his work?

- Spectre Lad

Welcome Fans of Freedom

Welcome to the first blog dedicated to the Freedom Force community! At the Freedom Force Resource, you'll find information on the content and websites devoted to Freedom Force and FFVTR with all the craziness and drama of forums stripped away. I will do interviews, sneak previews, and even tutorials. So bookmark me and stay up-to-date on the hottest releases as well as what new content you can expect to be coming your way.

Peace and Much Love 2 Ya,
- Spectre Lad