
Afghan Ant is Back?

After being retired for the equivalent of a lapdance at Scores, one of Freedom Force's most talented content creators has returned. That's right boys and girls, Afghan Ant is back. A couple of days ago I noticed that he had set up a Wordpress blog and I knew he'd be back skinning again. Despite emailing AA about the situation, he refused to comment on his skinner status.

Like many of you, I've got some questions for the little bug -
  • "Are you eatting your retirement statment?"
  • "What's up with you and another HFers, man, are y'all ok man?"
  • "I see you're jockin' FF bloggers, maybe you could be Previsionary's intern."
  • "How do you really feel about Obama being owed by Marvel?"
Regardless we are glad you're back skinning, even if your retirement was bogus.

Want to see Afghan Ant's blog? AfghanAnt - Still Dreaming

1 comment:

  1. *I ate it 'cause I'm so at it.
    *Praying for the death of our dynasty like, Amen?
    *In turn, I'll show you how I cook up summerin the winter.
    *They gotta put Obama's face on the five-thousand dollar bill.
